Author: Dick Bolles
'You're Hired!' television show episode #45: Its host, Steve Piazzale, Ph.D., interviews Richard Bolles, author of "What Color is your Parachute? Filmed in 2009. In four parts. This is part 1, which may be found by clicking
Author: Dick Bolles
'You're Hired!' television show episode #45: Its host, Steve Piazzale, Ph.D., interviews Richard Bolles, author of "What Color is your Parachute? This is part 2 of 4, and may be found by clicking
Author: Dick Bolles
You're Hired!' television show episode #45: Its host, Steve Piazzale, Ph.D., interviews Richard Bolles, author of "What Color is your Parachute? This is part 3 of 4, and may be found by clicking
Author: Dick Bolles

'You're Hired!' television show episode #45: Its host, Steve Piazzale, Ph.D., interviews Richard Bolles, author of "What Color is your Parachute? Part 4 of 4 may be found by clicking