
Dick's First Video Course

Author: Dick Bolles

Friday, June 26
Breaking News from eParachute

Good News. Dick (Bolles) has just completed his first online video course in 45 years. It has hours of video plus handouts to print, exercises to do, insights to gain. It's called The eParachute Introduction to Your Career and Job Search
We are delighted to announce it will be launching next Monday, June 29th.

The course will sell for $129. There is however a 69% discount for those who sign up now. The Early Bird price is only $39.

We've been trying for ages to find some way to make Dick's famous workshop available to job counselors, job hunters, and people searching for their dream. We've finally done it. Hours of videos (all with Dick Bolles), oodles of handouts and exercises, loads of fresh insights. The course will be available for either individuals or groups to do in their own time, at their own pace -- wherever they are in the world.

If you are interested, go now to the Early Bird signup page at:http://eepurl.com/bqZckb The discount coupon will then be mailed to you on Monday.