I'll tell you crucial information you need to know, about HowTo Navigate this site, in just as minute. But first, a little bit about the site itself. It is written and maintained solely by me— Dick Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute 2016.
It was originally created on the site of Washington Post at their request in 1996. I took it over subsequently, and then due to this and that, it languished in computer hell until January 2, 2015, when I relaunched it, after spending a year redoing it. I do the design and writing of almost all the articles. I put up new posts almost daily.
Credits: Patty Benson of Goodsite designed the homepage and masthead. Glenn Jones took the picture of me that's there on the homepage. The photo immediately above, here, was taken by Marci Bolles on her iPhone 6+. Stephanie Sullivan of Aviaweb, Philip Aaronson, and then Samuel Sokol of Tech Umbrella Group, did the programming and the setting up of the structure and language of the site (Kohana). I am deeply grateful to them all.
This site is written to be displayed on laptops, tablets, phablets, and
some mobile devices. (It displays beautifully on my iPhone 6+, but I can't guarantee it will display on all mobile devices.) The site is not interactive; i.e., there is no place anywhere on it for you to post responses or your own stuff. It is—like a book—meant for reading, reflection, solving problems, and then taking action.
It is always under construction, and constant change, so don't worry if some part of it doesn't work; I'll get around to fixing it, as soon as I can. You can contact me at if you discover some glitch you have reason to believe I don't already know about. Okay, now to...........
You start with the masthead at the very top of each page. You choose, and click on, one of the Headings listed there: you can pick between: Jobs, Books, Articles, Sites, eParachute, or My Diary, For Job-Hunters, For Career-Changers, For Readers of Parachute (the book), For Career Coaches, For H.R. People, Videos, or Events,
A new page will then display, with a sidebar and main display window. In the main display window all the articles for that Heading will display in one continuous scroll. To pick only one article at a time, go to the sidebar and click on one of the Categories displayed there (in most cases). Immediately, the names of the articles assigned to that Category will display in that sidebar, right under the name of the Category. Click on any one of those articles, and only that one article will display in the main display window.
To see another article, go back to the sidebar and either click on another article in that same Category
OR click on a new Category there, whereupon the names of all the articles assigned to that Category will display, and you can click on any one article to see it, and it alone, displayed in the main window
OR go back up to the masthead and click on another Heading, where the navigation will be identical or similar.
If you've been to the site previously, always click on "Refresh" or "Reload Page", to be sure you are looking at the current site and not some outdated version of it that your computer or phone has stored from your previous visit.
(And speaking of visiting the site before, you will note that at the top of the Masthead there is the Heading New! This is for people who have already visited the site, perhaps many times, and upon their next return want to know what has been added since they last looked. Typically, New! will remain the same for a week —from Monday to Monday. Then that article or articles will jump to their proper Heading, where they will thereafter remain.) Incidentally, if you click on New! and nothing comes up, click on it again.
In conclusion, I am on
Facebook and
LinkedIn and
Life Reimagined. (Click on any of these.) Please do not leave messages at any of these. I rarely see them. Same is true for trying to reach me via phone calls. Email is best. As I said above, my email address is
I do have a phone number but you can only leave messages on it: 1 (925) 837 3002. I do not do career counseling, to my deep regret (I used to, but my schedule has now gotten simply overwhelming). A list of counselors is listed in the back of my book.